
  • Figueiredo, A.C. (2013) Bridging Book: novo modelo de livro híbrido, entre o papel e o digital (Bridging Book: a new hybrid book model, between paper and digital). Master Thesis in Technology and Digital Art, University of Minho, Portugal
    Advisors: Nelson Troca Zagalo; Pedro Sérgio Oliveira Branco


    [PT] Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um livro híbrido que integre simultaneamente suportes digitais e impressos. Enquadrado teoricamente da área da Interação Humano-Computador, foca-se na emergência de novos paradigmas de interação que recuperam as potencialidades da materialidade no contexto dos sistemas computacionais.
    Num contexto em que a componente digital assume uma preponderância cada vez maior, a naturalidade e o valor da interação com materiais físicos não pode ser negligenciada. As interfaces tangíveis, em conjunção com o desenvolvimento de materiais inteligentes, começam a impor-se como resposta a esta lacuna, aproximando a tecnologia das pessoas e tornando- a mais transparente.
    O protótipo Bridging Book aqui descrito assume-se como uma interface tangível que propõe a integração do suporte em papel e digital para gerar um artefacto inovador que retire partido das mais valias de cada um dos meios. Este novo modelo de livro faz a ponte entre o livro em papel e dispositivos tablet que, quando colocados lado a lado, se transformam num objeto único, proporcionando uma experiência aumentada da relação com o livro tradicional pela integração de recursos interativos e audiovisuais.
    [EN] This work presents the development of an hybrid book integrating simultaneously the digital and printed supports. Theoretically is framed in the field of human-computer interaction, focusing on the emergence of new interaction paradigms that recover the potential of materiality in the context of computer systems.
    In a context where the digital component assumes an increasing preponderance, the naturalness and the value of interaction with physical materials can’t be neglected. Tangible interfaces, together with the development of smart materials, begin to assert themselves as a response to this gap, bringing the technology closer to the people and making it more transparent.
    The Bridging Book prototype described here is a tangible interface that proposes the integration of paper and digital supports in order to generate an innovative artefact that reinforces the value of each medium. This new book model bridges the paper book and tablet devices that, when placed side-by-side, become a single object, providing an enhanced experience of the relation with the traditional book by integrating audio-visual and interactive features.


Conference Proceedings

To view full-text publications, please visit my ResearchGate profile.

  • Figueiredo, A.C., Sylla, C., Branco, P., Zagalo, N. (2014) Merry Go Round: a physical, virtual, physical… toy. In Proceedings of ACE ’14, 11th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment, Funchal, Portugal, 11-14 November 2014
  • Sylla, C., Figueiredo, A.C., Pinto, A.L., Zagalo, N., Branco, P. (2014) Merging Physical and Digital White Canvas to Unleash Children’s Creativity. In Proceedings of ACE ’14, 11th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment, Funchal, Portugal, 11-14 November 2014
  • Fontes, P., Figueiredo, A.C., Vilas-Boas, J., Azevedo, J. (2014) Science to the people: guerrilla marketing and digital media public experiences for science communication. In Luciano Gamberini, Anna Spagnolli, Luca Chittaro, Luca Zambini (Eds) Persuasive Technology. 9th International Conference, PERSUASIVE 2014, Padua, Italy, May 21-23, 2014. Adjunct Proceedings. Padova: Cleup. ISBN: 978 88 6787 229 9

    Despite several efforts of the science communication community, the interest and engagement of the lay public in scientific contents remains a challenge. The improvement in number and quality of available contents, along with easier access, does not mean per se that people are more interested or engaged with it. Yet, some conceptual approaches suggest that digital media in public spaces may have positive impact on the interest of the public in scientific contents, contributing towards the public engagement with science. We present here a project that will explore these approaches, by studying public’s reaction to a digital media public event on a central square of Porto, aiming to promote public interest in science of human biomechanics.
  • Pinto, A.L., Figueiredo, A.C., Branco, P., Zagalo, N., Coquet, M.E. (2013) Bridging book: desenvolvimento de livros híbridos para crianças. Atas da conferência Interação 2013 – 5ª Conferência Nacional sobre Interação, Vila Real – Portugal. 7 e 8 Novembro 2013

    Nesta comunicação expomos a metodologia projetual e o desenvolvimento técnico, assim como o funcionamento do Bridging book, protótipo de livro híbrido dirigido para crianças entre os 7 e os 9 anos. O Bridging book é um livro híbrido que resulta da combinação sincronizada entre o livro impresso e um tablet iPad, colocados lado a lado. Ao folhearmos o livro impresso desencadeamos alterações nos conteúdos da aplicação localizada no iPad sincronizada com este. A aplicação permite efectuar interacções com as ilustrações e com as animações. A explora- ção de conteúdos faz-se tanto linear como não linearmente. O protótipo não requer cabos, nem baterias.
  • Figueiredo, A.C., Pinto, A.L., Branco, P., Zagalo, N., Coquet, M.E. (2013) Bridging book: protótipo de livro híbrido para crianças. Atas da conferência Interação 2013 – 5ª Conferência Nacional sobre Interação, Vila Real – Portugal. 7 e 8 Novembro 2013

    Apresentamos o protótipo Bridging Book, um livro híbrido para crianças que consiste num livro impresso que funciona em conjunto com um dispositivo digital, sendo que o folheamento do livro físico desencadeia conteúdos adicionais no tablet.
    Este sistema baseia-se na leituras de campos magnéticos induzidos por ímanes embutidos nas folhas de papel que são lidos pelo magnetómetro do dispositivo, dispensando a utilização de fios ou energia. Nesta versão, as ilustrações impressas estendem-se para o ecrã do tablet, fornecendo mais interação ao utilizador para além do folheamento do livro físico.
  • Figueiredo, A.C., Heleno, M., Branco, P., Zagalo, N. (2013) Playable and Collaborative Art: the MonMazes case-study, Actas da Videojogos 2013 – Conferência de Ciências e Artes dos Videojogos, Universidade de Coimbra, 26 e 27 de Setembro 2013 *Best Work-In-Progress Paper*

    MonMazes is a collaborative and physical game inspired by Piet Mondrian paintings that consists of two benches with smart seat cushions that track the user’s seating movements. The objective is to guide a ball through the mazes/paintings until the final point. The process of MonMazes’ development was driven towards an exploration of collaborative possibilities together with a computer-supported physical user interface, focusing on the interdependency between players who shared a common goal. We start this article by discussing the social aspects of gameplay, the collaboration and interdependence between players, ending with a description of MonMazes project.
  • Figueiredo, A.C., Pinto, A.L., Branco, P., Zagalo, N., Coquet, M.E. (2013) Bridging book: a not-so-electronic children’s picturebook, Proceedings of IDC 2013, 12th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children, New York, USA, (p.569-572), ISBN: 978-1-4503-1918-8

    We present and technically describe the implementation of a book prototype: the Bridging Book, a children’s mixed-media picturebook that blurs the line between printed and electronic books. Bridging book consists of a printed book and a digital device, placed side-by-side, with synchronized content. Thumbing through the book’s pages triggers the device to display the complementary digital content. The physical book requires no batteries or wires.
    In the current version, the printed illustrations on each page of the physical book are extended into the device screen, offering further interaction. The content can be explored both linearly by reading and thumbing the printed book and/or exploring the interaction on the digital device. We also briefly explain the planned future study observation, with children, to evaluate our prototype.
  • Pinto, A.L., Zagalo, N., Sylla, C., Freed, N., Figueiredo, AC., Qi, J., Branco, P., Coquet, M.E. (2013) Bridging books: the printed book as a support for digital experiences. Proceedings of IDC 2013, 12th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children, New York, USA, (p.606-609), ISBN: 978-1-4503-1918-8

It has been 20 years since Pierre Wellner published the article Interacting with paper on the digital desk [1] where he challenges us to imagine a space where “Instead of replacing paper with computers we could enhance paper with computation”. Two decades after, we see the development of multiple projects that expand the expressive possibilities of traditional books by combining and crossing different media. Nevertheless the interest generated by those projects is limited, most of the time, to the research communities. The purpose of this IDC 2013 workshop is to bring together a community of researchers, publishers and authors to reflect and discuss the present and future impact of mixed media books.
  • Figueiredo, A.C., Pinto, A.L., Branco, P., Zagalo, N. (2013) Bridging book: a not-so-electronic children picturebook, 2013 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI ’13, Paris, France, April 27 – May 2, 2013, Extended Abstracts (Video Showcase), (p.2801-2802) ISBN 978-1-4503-1952-2

    In the video we present the Bridging Book, a mixed media picturebook that blurs the line between physical and electronic books. We present also the technical implementation of the prototype. In this prototype the illustrations of a children picture book are complemented by the digital content on a digital tablet placed next to it. Thumbing through the physical book pages displays synchronized content on the tablet. The narrative contents can be explored by reading the physical book and further exploring the interaction on the digital media. The physical book requires no batteries or wires.
  • Rodrigues, P.M., Vairinhos, M., Girão, L.M., Figueiredo, A.C., Ferreira, D., Gomes, V., Dias, N. (2005) Integrating Interactive Multimedia in Theatrical Music: the case of Bach2Cage. Artech 2005 – Actas do 2º Workshop Luso-Galaico de Artes Digitais.

    Interactive multimedia is one of the elements that integrates Bach2Cage, a theatrical music performance under permanent update, sustained by an experimental laboratory in crossing music/performing arts with multimedia/digital art. We explain the main ideas concerned with the philosophy of the project, we present our results and ongoing research in the creation of interactive multimedia pieces that are part of a complex performance with many other aspects. We discuss how we have integrated interactive multimedia in Bach2Cage and how this has led us to simple, robust, versatile technical solutions that allow to preserve the essence of the performance and do not condition the development of the performance as a whole.