
Website development for Incentivar Partilha – Associação, a non-profit private association that promotes initiatives related to social economy. Web-design and development.

Responsive newsletter developed for Leigos para o Desenvolvimento NGO. Design and programming.

Website Development for ‘4EVER – Consultancy and Language Services, Lda’, a Mozambican company offering linguistic communication services. Web-design and Web-development.

Website development for the “Observatório Criativo” (Creative Observatory), a project developed by ATES – The Transversal Area of Social Economy of the Catholic University of…

“The other side” experiment is part of AGIR magazine – series IX, nº1, a publication of Amnesty International Portugal. On the printed magazine, the reader…

Design of the Amnesty International – Portugal on-line shop. Web-design. Project developed while working as Brand engagement manager for Amnesty International – Portugal.

Responsive newsletter developed for Amnesty International Portugal. Design and programming. Project developed while working as Brand engagement manager for Amnesty International – Portugal.

This work is a critical reflection on the degradation of Portuguese tiles facades, existing in historic urban centers. As a way to promote the valorisation…

The 5th EUROLAG – European Coastal Lagoon Symposium was held at the University of Aveiro, Portugal under the general theme “Coastal Lagoons in a Changing…

MeshAtlantic (Mapping Atlantic Area seabed habitats for better marine management) wanted to promote harmonised production and use of marine habitat maps covering the Atlantic Area….

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