social media mashup

A mashup of social media posts made for Amnesty International Portugal, together with the social media manager.

Concepts, design, motion graphics and video editing.
Project developed while working as Brand engagement manager for Amnesty International – Portugal.


Dancing is not a crime. This was our response when Iran arrested Maedeh Hojabri for dancing on social networks. #DancingisNotaCrime

200 days without #mariellefranco. No more silence. We’ll all keep making noise until we know: who killed #Marielle?

This is how @vhils gave voice to the struggle of Brazilian Councillor Marielle Franco. Six months have passed since she was murdered and the authorities still do not say who is responsible. We will not let this crime go unpunished. And that, today, was engraved in stone, in the @festivaliminente.

We have been saving lives together for 10 years. #10yearschallenge #mosesakatugba

It is time to end all forms of violence against women – and against men and all genders. For all and sundry, DO NOT SHUT UP! #endfgm #stopmgf

Why is the LGBTI+ Pride Parade for everyone? For all this, today we all march. Together we say that love is universal and that it is a #burst that everyone can simply be as they are.

We want a planet with a safe and healthy environment where human rights are above profit. If you want the same, join this cause. #climatechange

A toast to you all! 5 912 113 is not just a number. It’s letters signed and appeals written by people from all over the world during the #WriteForRights

Meet the young Vitalina Koval, who in Ukraine is challenging extreme right-wing movements that are attacking people who assume their homosexuality. #WriteForRights

They have already realized that what brings happiness after all is human rights. So have we! Be happy… #LoveNotHate #childday #humanrights

We continue with zero tolerance of companies that continue to profit from human rights violations. In #labourday we remind you that the mobile phone in your hands may be connected to child labour.

For those who still think that writing appeals is useless, we spoke to Geraldine via skype and she explains. #WriteForRights